

Sample preparation protocols for MALDI-TOF MS

Introduction see Aspects of Food Control and Animal Health 2020, 13: 1–13

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Cereulide from Bacillus cereus colonies

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Dairy Products

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Fish

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Insects

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Meat

MALDI-TOF MS-Based Identification of Plants


Creation of database entries (MSPs)

Working Guide for the creation of Reference Entries (MSPs) for the MALDI Biotyper – A step by step documentation (Vers. 1), created by CVUAS, shared by MALDI-UP 22 Feb 2023

Training movies for the creation of reference entries (MSPs) on the Bruker Website

MSP-Erstellung – Erfahrungen und Arbeitsgang (Foliensatz aus dem DVG-AVID Workshop 14 Nov 2023, Dr. Rebecca Bonke, LHL, Gießen)



Vonaesch, P; University of Lausanne: ClostriTof microflex Biotyper library plugin (142 MSP) and a collection of single spectra of Clostridia

MALDI-TOF MS reference library ‘EMALiMB’ (Expanded MALDI-TOF MS Library for MALDI Biotyper®) of various microbial strains.
Involved institutions: JCM: Japan Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN BioResource Research Center; IFM: Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University; GTC: Center for Conservation of Microbial Genetic Resource, Gifu University

Bader, O; University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), BioTyper-libraries: fungi and yeast databases

Lasch P, Stämmler M, Schneider A (2023): Version 4.1 (20230306) of the MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry Database for Identification and Classification of Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms from the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) [Data set]; Zenodo

Linington R (2020); Custom MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometric Database for identification of environmental Burkholderia and related genera, Dryad, Dataset, (95 btmsp)

Moussa et al. (2020); MALDI-TOF database for the identification of potentially pathogenic Vibrio in marine molluscs, Saenoe, Dataset, (120 btmsp)

Spectra: Extended spectra database for microorganism identification by MALDI-TOF MS – Public Health Agency of Sweden.



Guidelines for validating species identifications using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) in a single laboratory or in laboratory networks, MALDI-TOF-MS working group pursuant to § 64 of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB), coordinated by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Berlin (BVL), 28 Oct 2022.

[GERMAN] Leitlinien für die Validierung von Spezies-Identifizierungen mittels MALDI-TOF-MS im Einzellabor oder in Laborverbünden, Arbeitsgruppe MALDI-TOF nach § 64 LFGB am Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) Berlin, 23 Apr 2021.

[GERMAN] Für Validierungen nach den Leitlinien wurden in den Untersuchungsämtern Baden-Württembergs interne Excel-Arbeitsblätter als Arbeitshilfe erstellt, die wir hier als Beispiel in einer „beta-Version“ zur Verfügung stellen. Rückmeldungen dazu an sind erwünscht.


[GERMAN] Validierungsbeispiele für wichtige Parameter unter Verwendung von Spektren aus MALDI-UP



FT-IR Validation

Using the principles of the Guidelines for validating species identifications using MALDI-TOF-MS (BVL, 28 Oct 2022)

Serogroups of Listeria monocytogenes


Serogroups of Salmonella



Form "New Entries for MALDI-UP"

MicrobeMS: A Matlab Toolbox for Analysis of Microbial MALDI-TOF Mass Spectra.

MSI-V02 application for identification of molds (use after registration)

[GERMAN] MALDI-TOF in der Mykologie – Erste Erfahrungen mit der MSI-Datenbank. Kutzer P, Landeslabor Berlin-Brandenburg, Vortrag auf der DVG-AVID, 14 Sep –16 Sep 2022

OpenTyper, a MALDI-TOF MS perspective in OpenChrom

Prokaryotic Nomenclature Up-to-date, Search database, Leibniz Institute DSMZ, German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures.